Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Still Is a Big Fat Idiot

Following his alleged commentary accusing Michael J. Fox of acting or off his drugs in his television commercials in support of several Democratic candidates, he responds showing how ideologically he is in the wrong spectrum of basic humanity. This is not a liberal or conservative issue. It is human values, which Rush demonstrates his lacking.

HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT #1: In his statement, Limbaugh says “Now, the idea that certain people because of their victim status are allowed to enter the fray with impunity is something I am not going to subscribe to.” But Rush, your comment was not about the issue but the person delivering the message. Rush said that Fox was “exaggerating the effects of the disease” and “is allowing his illness to be exploited.”

Reasonable people can disagree reasonably. But rather than attack the issue, Rush stoops into the muck to attack the messenger and his intent. For Michael J. Fox, stem-cell research is a personal issue. If he wants to work on behalf of candidates who support his ideas, he should be able to do so without personal attacks from someone who has proven record hypocritical actions.

HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT #2: “I am not going to be fooled or lulled into standing aside. I'm not going to be intimidated under the pretext that some people have a protected, insured right to say whatever they want simply because they are unfortunate, they are victims or what have you.” So what you are saying is that it is all right to attack the messenger if you do not like the message? It is not a matter of political correctness, it is a matter of respect. It is respect for another point of view whether you agree or not. It is respect for a someone who is inflicted with a horrible disease he did not want. It is respect for basic human life.

HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT #3: “I could have said far worse than I said about this. It is cruel to mislead people to believe that there is a cure on the horizon, when there isn't, if only Republican candidates are defeated. I'm sorry. I'm not going to sit around and let this go by uncommented upon. I don't care who says it.” There is nothing hypocritical about this statement. In fact, in Rush's latest screed, this is about the only sane statement he made. However, when he followed up with “There's no question the illness is being exploited,” is attacking the messenger and not the message.

Rush keeps saying he dose not care who is delivering the message but then accuses Fox of exploiting his illness for his own agenda. At least Fox is trying to do something to benefit those similarly afflicted. I do not see Limbaugh doing anything except running is foolish mouth.

Limbaugh, your 15-minutes were up years ago. Now it is time for you to sit down and SHUT THE #$%* UP!


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