Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The American People Have Spoken

The Democrats did not loose a single seat. All of the losses were seats held by Republicans.

Even if the pending Virginia recount returns George Allen to the senate, the loss of five seats giving the Republicans a one seat majority is just as telling.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s resignation is a start, but it is not the answer. There must be a course change. A change that will limit the casualties of precious American lives. A change that will defend the country against terrorists and not one that tries to enact regiem change because our leaders do not like their leaders. A change that does not seem like the taxpayers are throwing billions of dollars away into the desert.

The American people have spoken.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Just Vote!

What do you think? Tell us... Just Vote!

Do you want change? Or do you want to stay the course? Tell us... Just Vote!

Do you think your taxes are going up? Or do you want to keep the current tax structure? Tell us... Just Vote!

Are you for or against stem cell research, gay marriage, economic policies, the alleged culture of corruption, or the war on terrorism? Tell us... Just Vote!

Do you like your representative? Do you despise him? Or should she be there to fight for you on Capitol Hill? Tell us... Just Vote!

Voting is a right.
Voting is an obligation.
Voting is the duty you have to maintain this democracy.

Voting is your way of telling those who represent you how they should perform their jobs when they come to Washington on your behalf.

Tell everyone what you think... JUST VOTE!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Will Not Stay This Course and I Vote

Stay the course? Over 100 US soldiers died in Iraq during the month of October.

Stay the course?
Over 2800 US soldiers died in Iraq since the initial invasion.

Stay the course? Over 2000 US soldiers died in Iraq since the declaration of “Mission Accomplished.”

Stay the course? Over 10,000 US soldiers wounded in Iraq since the initial invasion.

Stay the course? Even the Army Times, a pro-military publication, does not believe it is the right course. They published an editorial saying that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld must be removed from his position.

Stay the course? What course? The course that has created more terrorists than before the invasion? The course that has killed or wounded over 13,000 of our best and brightest citizens? The course that has the United States in the middle of a civil war with no end in sight?

I will not stay this course. I will not be swayed by slogans and campaign rhetoric. I will not accept the failed leadership of a C student who has learned nothing except how to be more arrogant and petulant. I will not support the killing of US service members for a president who believes in the power of imperialism over the will of the people. I will not march in lockstep behind a failed policy.

I will do my patriotic duty and vote. I will do my patriotic duty to use my vote to send this president a message regarding my displeasure with his policies. I will do my patriotic duty and use my right of free speech to tell everyone that this is one citizen who does not feel that this president represents the greater good but his own self interest.

I am a citizen against the failed policies of this administration and I vote!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Now I Remember Why Kerry is Not President

Of all the mistakes a Democrat could make, John Kerry's is now ranked amongst the most idiotic of this political season. After years of picking on how George Bush for his lack of intelligence and verbal fumbles, Kerry makes one that allows the meaning to be misinterpreted. Making matters worse, Kerry does not even acknowledge that he put his foot in his mouth until later in the day.
George Bush may be a C student that has not learned anything since his daddy got him into Yale, but at least his stupidity has not insulted people. It may be time for Kerry to exit, stage left... his 15-minutes of fame appear to have expired.