Wednesday, January 03, 2007

In Memory of Gerald R. Ford, our 38th President

Dear Mrs. Ford and family:

In 1976, President Ford visited Charlotte, North Carolina to celebrate the nation's bicentennial. As a 16 year old admirer of the president, I attended the gathering with friends and classmates. While I do not remember what he said on that sunny day in Freedom Park, I remember being impressed with the President's speech and thinking that he seemed like a nice person. I told a friend that I thought that it would be interesting to be able to sit with him for lunch.

Following his speech, the President walked near a roped off area of the crowd and shook hands with the people. Even after previous attempts on his life, President Ford walked the line and shook hands with those who came to see him. I was one of those fortunate enough to shake his hand. Although I was not old enough to vote, I supported the president for re-election. I felt that a good man deserved a good chance.

President Ford leaves a legacy of honesty, integrity, and decency, a combination that is difficult to find in any walk of life. The out pouring of affection for him and your family are well deserved by a nation who was honored by his service.

I wish there was more I can do to show my appreciation for your sharing this wonderful person with the nation during its time of need. I offer my sincere condolences and I wish you comfort in the wonderful memories you have of this great man, president, husband, father, and grandfather.



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